Fresh Food & Essentials Pantry
Fresh Food Pantry
Third Wednesday of Every Month from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Register to pick up free produce, dairy, canned goods, frozen meat, and more. Everyone is welcome.
Contact us at 608-246-8372 or
Address: 614 Vera Court, Madison, WI 53704
No ID or proof of address is required.
Walk in only. No registration required.
Please use the side door to the left of the building (near the ramp). Our Fresh Food Pantry is located in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Doors open at 4:30 PM.
Provide the name you registered with to confirm your spot.
The side door is the accessible entrance.
Essentials Pantry
Select Saturdays from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Come pick out free shelf-stable food items.
Contact us at 608-246-8372 or
Address: 614 Vera Court, Madison, WI 53704
No ID or proof of address is required.
Walk in only. No registration required.
Please use the front door of the building. Our Essentials Pantry is located in the main space.
The side door is the accessible entrance.
Interested in donating?
We are currently accepting in-kind donations for our most needed items which include:
Feminine hygiene products
Body wash & bar soap
Toothpaste & floss
Canned vegetables and fruits
Canned beans and legumes
Rice and pasta
Peanut butter
Canned meats (tuna, chicken)
Cooking oils
Breakfast cereals
Shelf-stable milk
Baby food and formula
Snacks (granola bars, crackers)
For more information about our food pantries, please contact our Family Resource Coordinator:
Denise Castillo
(608) 246-8372